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Aligning Training with Priority Outcomes at NPS By Irene Connelly



Featured Article: Aligning Training with Priority Outcomes at NPS

By Irene Connelly

In “Aligning Training with Priority Outcomes at NPS,” Irene Connelly discusses the decisions made by the National Park Service to adapt a new performance management program. She dives into the results of the program as well as the NPS’s decision-making process and the problems that occurred during planning and implementation.


Excerpt Taken Directly From Aligning Training with Priority Outcomes at NPS


“National Park Service faced a significant skills gap in institutional knowledge, thanks to the anticipated retirement bubble. Increased reporting, accountability, and transparency requirements on the part of the U.S. Department of the Interior and Congress also posed challenges.”

“NPS is tasked with the care of built and natural resources that include wilderness areas, habitat for endangered and threatened species, and cultural heritage sites that date from prehistoric times through the 20th century. This is not an insignificant responsibility, and it is an area in which failures in upkeep will be quickly seen and deeply felt at many levels. The motivation to maintain and steward these treasures is tremendously powerful for employees at all levels of this organization, as is the desire to develop succeeding generations of employees to continue their work and to do it even better. “

“As of 2009, more than half of the national parks in the United States (more than 200) have been directly— and positively—affected by FMLP, its students, and its mentors. The result is better management of built resources, which in turn means that the cultural, historic, and natural resources protected by these built resources are better preserved “for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.”

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