May 2012
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TD Magazine

The Buck Stops Here!

Monday, May 7, 2012
Editors Note The Buck Stops Here

"With all the volatility and uncertainty happening in the world and in the workforce, our profession must take responsibility for creating effective global leaders—starting with ourselves."
—Katherine Holt and Kyoko Seki


This month's issue, with a focus on globalization, takes a unique view of globalization, leaders, and workplace learning and performance. The cover story examines leadership styles across the globe and the collaboration with other disciplines to create leadership models and training tools to equip global leaders to face new challenges. It also discusses the need for workplace learning and performance professionals to become successful global leaders.

"Unfortunately, many learning professionals do not see themselves as leaders, much less as global leaders," Holt and Seki write in their article.

While Holt and Seki encourage learning professionals to dive into the deep end with regard to becoming global leaders, William J. Rothwell cautions learning professionals to be sensitive to cultural differences when embarking on training in other countries—it's more than just knowing the niceties of business etiquette.


Do you know how different cultures view class participation? Are you prepared to negotiate your rate for service? Do you understand the business culture in foreign nations? What are Internet speeds like in other countries? These are just a few of the many tips that Rothwell shares to help learning professionals deliver successful training in other nations. Understanding cultural etiquette and cultural intelligence in other countries is crucial for global leaders who have employees or offices around the globe.

Our world is complex and ever-changing. People around the world are bound together by interconnectedness, according to Holt and Seki, and the need for effective global leaders is placing pressure on companies to develop leaders who can effectively master new challenges and find ways to engage employees around the globe.

But according to Holt and Seki, learning professionals cannot be successful in training others to deal globally with challenging situations unless they can navigate these situations themselves as global leaders.

About the Author

Paula Ketter is ATD's content strategist. Previously, she served as editor of ATD's periodicals.

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