February 2015
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The Buzz

Australian Employers Help Victims of Domestic Violence

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Many Australian organizations are taking responsibility for their employees' well-being by offering victims of domestic violence paid time off. Domestic violence takes a major toll personally and professionally, and employers are doing whatever they can to help employees heal from the pain it causes. The economic costs of domestic violence are also high. Figures vary, but experts agree the lost productivity, absenteeism, and staff turnover domestic violence causes costs organizations several millions of dollars every year. "Victims of domestic abuse talk to their co-workers, and often it is these people who try and help and this puts them at risk," said Ludo McFerran, an adjunct lecturer in gender-related violence studies at the University of New South Wales. "We tell employers that domestic violence ends up costing them money through lost productivity, but it also affects the safety of all staff." While paid time off for victims is more common at large organizations, smaller companies have an opportunity to help as well, because co-workers are often closer to one another. And while employers cannot solve the problem, they can help employees get the assistance they need.

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