March 2015
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The Buzz

Creating Culture

Monday, March 9, 2015

Accounting for the emotional and personality-driven facets of an organization’s culture can be a tall order. Employees have feelings, emotions, good days, and bad days, and interact with one another accordingly. In short, office culture is anything but static, and creating a positive, productive environment for all employees can be an extremely difficult task. The first factor in a positive office culture is communication. Communication is the backbone of all relationships, and employees will perform better when they receive consistent constructive feedback from their superiors. Equally as important as the ability to communicate, however, is the ability to listen. Listening to an employee’s problems and concerns will strengthen relationships. Next, the culture should comprise many different kinds of individuals. Homogeneous cultures stagnate quickly, while diverse crowds get things done creatively and efficiently. Vulnerability is also important, especially for managers. No one knows everything, and it’s important to show that everyone needs to cooperate and act as a team to succeed.

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