June 2015
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The Buzz

Getting Onboarding Right

Friday, May 29, 2015

Onboarding is an important process, and studies have shown that the first 90 days are critical in determining whether a new hire will be successful within an organization. This time is crucial for building relationships within the company, learning an organization’s values, and understanding the responsibilities and tasks required by the job. When new hires experience high levels of support from team members and management, they will often have a more positive attitude, become engaged quickly, and work harder. However, if new hires feel isolated, lost, and confused during this critical time, they are more likely to be unhappy and unproductive. During the onboarding process, structure is one of the most important factors. According to a recent study conducted by the Wynhurst Group, when employees participate in a structured onboarding process, they are 58 percent more likely to remain at that company for at least three years. Additionally, during this process, the “how” of the job must be coupled with the “why.” Not only do new hires need to understand what exactly it is they will be doing and how to accomplish it, but also they need to understand why what they do is important.

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