August 2015
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The Buzz

Training Tech

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

For new employees, the first few weeks on the job will set the stage for their expectations, levels of engagement, and productivity. That’s why onboarding processes are critical. Companies that rely on outdated methods rarely capture the imaginations and aspirations of new employees, but those companies that employ the latest practices and technologies during onboarding can drive success early on. There are several new technological aids to the onboarding process that organizations across the globe are utilizing with great success. One example, 3-D technology, is making waves in the healthcare industry, but the technology can be deployed regardless of sector. Both online and offline courses can be bolstered with 3-D environments, especially job training that requires high levels of realism. In the same vein, m-learning, or mobile learning, is growing in popularity. As smartphones get smarter and more ubiquitous, they have become an excellent medium for training. Employees have immediate access to online training materials through their smartphones and can train at their own pace. Social media can also be an effective training tool. Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can connect new employees to mentors and peers, becoming a perfect forum for online discussion and learning.

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