September 2015
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The Buzz

The Busy Boss

Monday, September 14, 2015

As the workplace becomes more interconnected and the economic landscape more competitive, managers have more on their plates. Workdays are hectic, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, when managers are overwhelmed, they often take it out on those around them—their employees. This can result in strained relationships, resentment, and, at worst, turnover. So how should managers approach the human aspect of their jobs when they are already worn thin? For one, they need to concentrate on their communication skills. Emails are especially subject to miscommunication because they are impersonal in nature. Managers should be aware that these often brief forms of communication can come off as gruff or have an overly cold tone. It’s important that employees know that they won’t be chastised when they fire off an email. Another way managers can demonstrate their humanity is to simply admit when they were wrong. It’s rare to hear the words “I’m sorry” in the workplace, especially from a manager to a subordinate. However, it’s incredibly important to apologize for mistakes, especially when those mistakes have hurt a team member. By owning up to the mistake, a manager can turn a negative situation into a positive one, rather than making it worse by avoiding it. 

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