September 2015
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The Buzz

Millennial Engagement

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Keeping employees engaged is critical in maintaining a healthy, productive business, but different employees have different needs. Now, with the Baby Boomers retiring and the Millennials taking over the workforce, it’s important for managers to rethink the way they keep their employees satisfied in the work they do every day. One of the best ways is to clearly define a Millennial employee’s job responsibilities and expectations. This is important so that everyone is on the same page, but it can also help young workers set realistic goals for themselves as they progress in their careers. It’s also important to shift from a managerial style of leadership to a relationship that emphasizes coaching. Previous generations viewed their managers as supervisors who oversaw production and penalized those who couldn’t keep up. Millennials, on the other hand, work best when managed by leaders who are more supportive and involved in their work. This collaborative atmosphere is where a young worker will thrive. However, when collaboration devolves into competition, it can stifle a Millennial’s work ethic, creativity, and ability to remain engaged and involved. 

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