September 2015
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The Buzz

Perks With a Purpose

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

To attract new talent, many businesses are starting to offer extracurricular perks ranging from unlimited time off to Friday happy hours to ping pong tables in the break room. And while rock walls and arcade games don’t necessarily hurt, do they actually work? It certainly makes sense; perks make a company more attractive, more attractive companies hire better talent, and better talent makes the company more productive. Studies have even shown that unstructured break times scattered throughout the day can boost productivity, happiness, and engagement levels. However, plopping a pool table down in the break room without any thought will likely do little to boost employees’ creativity. The perks that work best are those that are well thought out and deployed with a purpose. Perks should inspire curiosity in employees, not distract them from their day-to-day tasks. They should help employees see why their work matters, and make employees feel that the organization is investing in them. Overall, the perks a company offers should help employees feel sane, stable, and satisfied. Relieving the emotional pressures and stresses of the workplace while helping employees connect with one another and their work should be the ultimate goal in deciding which perks to offer.

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