September 2015
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The Buzz

Powerful Tech Tool Helps Employers Track Training

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A new tech tool may help managers monitor how actively their employees participate in job training. The program, called Lumious, allows a company to monitor employees’ habits across 250 different performance metrics. For instance, if a PDF file is part of a training course, the program can track where that PDF goes and when it is opened, all while sending information back to the trainer. The trainer can then know which employees opened the file, when they opened it, how long they looked at it, which pages they lingered on, and how long it took them to get through the document. Tien Wong, chief executive of the company releasing Lumious, said the product can be used to identify workers who are taking their training seriously, and those who may be slacking. “We can tell [corporate customers] within a week who’s good, who’s not good, who to fire, who to remediate,” Wong said. “It’s a very powerful tool.” Currently the program is being tested by two corporate customers, both of which the company has declined to identify. 

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