November 2015
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The Buzz

Unlimited Vacation? Maybe Not.

Friday, October 16, 2015

When it comes to employee perks, the tech industry has the most by far. Limitless vacation hours, flexible work weeks, on-site rock climbing walls, and happy hour Fridays tend to permeate the industry. But how important are these perks, and how well do they actually work? Take unlimited vacation, for example. The idea is that as long as all work is covered and employees are on track to meet their goals, they should be able to take off as much time as they want. It sounds great on paper, and might even be attractive to a prospective employee. But in reality, unlimited vacation can make it harder for employees to take a break. "Like a lot of companies, we started with this idea of unlimited vacation," said Ted Livingston, CEO of tech startup Kik. "We found ‘take as much as you want’ actually did the reverse—people took less. The dirty little secret is that nobody will take vacation—it's the nobody-takes-vacation policy. We said, ‘We’re going to have a must-take-vacation policy.’"

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