December 2015
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The Buzz

Traveling Smart

Friday, November 13, 2015

Occasionally employees will need to travel on official business. These trips can be hugely beneficial, but they also open companies up to a host of concerns. It’s important that companies consider the risks and develop appropriate policies for employees to follow when traveling. First, it’s important that travel details remain confidential. Given the many social media platforms, the temptation is high to share travel plans, but this also advertises where an employee won’t be, such as at work or at home. This raises an employee’s profile unnecessarily, and should be avoided. Also, if travel plans include going abroad, particularly to a dangerous region, employees should register with the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program so the local embassy or consulate knows that the employee will be there. In addition, it’s prudent to consider the possibility of the loss or theft of mobile devices while traveling; managers may want to issue employees sterile laptops or mobile phones for use on the road. This way, should a device go missing, the company won’t need to worry about sensitive data falling into the wrong hands. 

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