January 2016
Issue Map
The Buzz

Social Media and Training

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Managers often believe that social media use is not appropriate in the workplace. However, in our increasingly connected world, the use of social media is becoming more important than ever, and smart businesses are leveraging their employees to act as brand ambassadors. This doesn’t mean that all employees should be given license to goof off on Facebook all day. Rather, employee social media use can benefit an organization if it is framed correctly. When employees are active online, they have an opportunity to connect with individuals who might not otherwise be exposed to an organization. The first step in this process is to create engaging content that employees can share. It’s important that content is diverse in voice and topic, yet relatable. Employees should also be educated on the organization’s goals and strategies as they relate to social media. Rather than enacting strict rules, management should provide employees with guidelines and suggestions.

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