May 2016
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The Buzz

Training for Cyber Threat

Thursday, May 5, 2016

With a growing number of employees working remotely, and the increasing reliance on remote communications tools, cybersecurity has become a tremendous concern in today’s modern workplaces. However, these concerns are not solved solely by the IT department; it’s important that cyber threats are taken seriously and measures are taken to prevent enterprise-wide attacks. One of the most pressing concerns is that employees become aware of a hacking method called “spear” phishing. According to a recent study by SANS, 95 percent of all cyber-attacks are the result of a successful spear phishing attempt, and the average loss from such an attack hovers around $4 million. Fighting against these attacks isn’t a matter of installing higher grade security software. The solution is instead training based. And while it’s not common for the HR department to be critical in solving a technological problem, the human factor is the most important in avoiding these devastating cyber attacks. Training should be constructive, never critical, and ensure that all employees are aware of current threats and how their actions may thwart them.

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