July 2016
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The Buzz

Flex Time and Telecommuting can Boost Engagement and Productivity

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The reason most people work is to get a paycheck, and one of the biggest drivers of engagement in the workplace is the size of that paycheck. However, with tightening budgets, many employers cannot afford to give all of their employees six figures. Luckily, there are ways to keep employees engaged without having to increase payroll. Offering a flexible work arrangement is an effective way to boost engagement without additional payroll expense. Flextime, compressed workweeks, or telecommuting options are currently some of the biggest perks potential employees are looking for when selecting an employer. Organizations that do not offer these options will miss out on recruiting top talent, and may even lose skilled employees to companies that offer better work-life balance. However, not every company is ready to let everyone work from home, which is understandable. But these companies could look into more flexible schedules with their core hours. Letting “morning people” come in before dawn and leave in the early afternoon, and the late risers come in after breakfast and leave later in the evening, can improve worker morale and increase productivity by letting people work at their best, most productive times.

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