August 2016
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The Buzz

Why Managers Don’t Give Enough Employee Feedback

Monday, August 8, 2016

According to research conducted by Office Vibe, an employee engagement firm, 65 percent of employees would like more feedback on their work than they currently get. But why is this? There are several possible explanations. One is that managers simply don’t have the time. In the modern workplace, everyone has something to do, and multitasking has become the norm; however, this isn’t a good excuse. Feedback, especially the personal, candid, type that employees crave, hardly takes up any time; it’s just a matter of prioritization. A second excuse is that providing personal, candid feedback can be uncomfortable. While this is true, uncomfortable feedback is important to an employee’s growth, as well as the overall success of an organization. If employees are never told that they aren’t living up to expectations, how will they know there is a problem, and how will they know how to improve? The final excuse isn’t a popular one, but often gets to the real heart of the issue: poor management selection and training. Being a manager isn’t easy, and it requires a diverse skill set. One of those skills is the ability to communicate clearly and effectively.

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