March 2017
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The Buzz

When Is a Promotion Appropriate?

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

As a manager, it’s important to be able to identify the next generation of leaders from your organization’s workforce. However, figuring out exactly when to promote someone is a little more complicated than it sounds. If someone is promoted too soon, they may become overwhelmed by the responsibility. If you wait too long, they might feel frustrated by their lack of professional growth and seek opportunities elsewhere. One sign they might be ready, though, is if they are always seeking challenges. When an employee is constantly seeking out projects and assignments that are beyond the scope of their job description and carrying these projects out to fruition, it might be time for a promotion. However, it’s important to take a look at their performance data and identify where they have excelled. Make sure their promotion leverages their strengths. It’s also a good sign if an employee is taking initiative in their own growth. High-potential employees usually drive their own career development and will approach managers with proposals on how they can evolve to add value to the business. Listen to these individuals when they come to you.

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