April 2017
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The Buzz

Undertraining to Save Resources Is Counterproductive

Friday, April 14, 2017

Regardless of the company or industry, most organizations are short-changing their employees when it comes to training. Companies undertrain, or don’t train at all, at frightening rates, and the problem is only exacerbated by the idea that employees are no longer long-term resources. Young employees especially are viewed as commodities, because job-hopping has become a hallmark of the Millennial worker. However, this attitude is counterproductive. Confident employees are the ones who solve big problems in the workplace, and confidence comes from being well trained. These employees can not only solve the problems facing an organization, but spread their knowledge and skills to their team, helping more employees to succeed. Additionally, training increases employees' sense of connection with their organization, and employees who feel connected tend to stay with their companies longer. Although work is viewed most often as a task-oriented process, in reality, it is a team effort. Well-trained employees will feel more like team members. Finally, even the most skilled employee needs training to meet company standards and protocols. Even if a company hires a subject matter expert, that individual won’t be up to speed on other aspects of the organization’s culture.

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