July 2017
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The Buzz

The Arguments for Engagement Are Myriad

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

“Employees are our most valuable resource” is a pretty common catchphrase used by CEOs, often trying to convince employees they are being treated well. However, the unfortunate truth is that this sentiment is usually just that—a sentiment. It’s rarely acted on, and employees often feel undervalued and underappreciated. Most companies, it seems, are simply paying lip service to the employee engagement all managers say they want, but few actually work for. This is one of the main reasons employee engagement rates in the United States tend to hover around 30 percent, and have done so for many years. However, those few companies that actually are committed to bolstering engagement are seeing numerous benefits, including higher rates of staff retention and increased levels of productivity. According to recent research, engaged employees are 87 percent less likely to leave a company than their disengaged counterparts, and engaged employees outperform disengaged employees by more than 20 percent. This leads to higher profit margins for companies overall, increased customer satisfaction, and lower levels of stress all around.

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