July 2017
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The Buzz

Turnover Isn’t a Death Sentence

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Intuitively, it makes sense that a company wants to lower its turnover rates. Engaged, productive employees tend to be more loyal, and a successful company will keep its employees around for years, if not decades, correct? Not necessarily so. Just because a company is experiencing high turnover rates doesn’t mean it’s a sinking ship. These companies might be great places to work; it’s just that their employees feel like they are ready to move on. In the modern workplace, it’s rare that employees stick around for more than a couple of years, so turnover might not be as damning as it once was. If a company is experiencing high rates of turnover, however, it’s important for that company to understand the reasons why. To do this, they should first use their exit interviews to their advantage. When handled correctly, exit interviews can highlight the positive and negative aspects of a workplace, and when this information is acted upon, leadership can change a workplace's internal dynamics. Additionally, high turnover can mean a stream of fresh new talent. Nothing creates stagnation quicker than disengaged employees.

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