August 2017
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The Buzz

Turnover and Retention Create Challenges in the Middle East

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Despite the job crunch in the Middle East, many employees are quitting their positions in search of better opportunities, leaving their organizations scrambling to hire replacements. According to a recent study of more than 300 senior HR officers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, around 60 percent of respondents said staff retention and talent development will be their biggest challenges over the next two years. Around 20 percent of these HR professionals said retaining employees is currently their biggest challenge. The turnover problem is particularly costly for companies, regardless of industry or size. The problem is universal but is hitting the GCC region particularly hard. “The relatively relaxed entry and employment conditions of the region mean that the labor market has always been transient in nature, with higher attrition levels compared to other geographies," said Chris Greaves, managing director at Hays Gulf region. “We see many expat job seekers migrating to the region for part of their career, in light of the tax-free salaries and to save money, before moving back to their home countries. In addition to this, local employment laws allow labor to move relatively freely between employers and therefore many individuals will work for more than one organization during their time in the GCC.”

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