August 2017
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The Buzz

What Managers Can Learn From Air Traffic Controllers

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

In any industry, employees are going to make mistakes. Often these mistakes will cost a company some time, money, or goodwill with customers. However, in the case of air traffic controllers, mistakes can lead to catastrophe. Because the industry is so high stakes, managers from every profession can learn a lot from how the air traffic control industry manages its employees. First, air traffic controllers are vetted before they walk in the door to ensure they will be able to handle the pressures of the job. The objective is to hire people with an above-average capacity to remain calm in high-stress situations. They are also trained extensively to maintain clarity of thought under duress. Additionally, if a mistake is made, support is offered rather than punishment. In the air traffic control world, the response to a flub is to increase training, rather than shame the individual. Mistakes are noted, but only to ensure that they are not part of a larger trend in the workplace. Worrying that your job is on the line affects your decision-making process, which is detrimental to employees working under heavy amounts of stress.

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