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April 2017 Chapter of the Month

Central Pennsylvania

Congratulations to the April Chapter of the Month, Central Pennsylvania. To increase the amount of interest in people volunteering on committees, the chapter created a poster template for each committee to use at networking and learning events. The chapter’s succession plan includes the need for a member to be on a committee prior to becoming a board member. The posters provide new and seasoned members with the knowledge on how to increase their professional skills in talent development by becoming a committee member. They also allow the vice president of the committee to network with all members and discuss the needs of their group.

Central PA April 2017 COM
Pictured from left to right: Selena Boyer-President Elect, Larry Asu-VP of Marketing, Tracy Griffith-VP of Membership, Angeline Usewicz-President
Not pictured: Marcia Perrotti-Past President, Nicole Haverstraw-VP of Programs, Jillian Haynes-VP of Finance