ATD Blog
Thu Feb 04 2016
In 2009, my firm embarked on a journey to help make the world a better place through the power of mentoring. At TalentC®, we developed a curriculum to train people on how to become effective mentors. The curriculum was accredited by Acquiros, formerly Certification Subject Matter Experts (CSME), and a professional designation was created based on International Standards Organization (ISO) criteria.
Our business model focused on creating economic opportunities in selected geographical locations where we would train local people to deliver the solution. Our vision was based on the notion that by leveraging the strengths of people from that area, we would help maintain the heritage and culture of that geographic location. What’s more, the bulk of the revenue generated would remain in that area. Clearly, our vision was not about the money; this was about helping others and their organizations to be the best that they could be.
The right person with the right skills sets can assist in seeing the vision through to fruition. However, one of the challenges we experienced (and continue to do so today) is finding the right people to be part of the journey.
But we remain focused on ensuring that our representatives understand the need to believe in the vision—and live that vision. Indeed, having that passion for wanting to make a difference for the right reasons is essential for us to move forward with a perspective partner.
We have some great successes with our current team members, but it has not always been this way. Along the way, some perspective team members lost sight of the vision. Their focus and attention remained solely on business outcomes rather than “why” we were doing the work. Bottom line: Finding the right person is the first step to success. Fortunately, today we have partners who understand the “why” for this program, and they embrace the vision.
Creating a solution that preserves of culture and heritage of the local people is another key element that we focus on. I learned this principle after attending a conference session lead by an organization that had multiple locations in diverse geographical locations. The speaker, a senior executive for that organization, clearly articulated that their success was founded on a vision of “creating a local presence with local personnel who provide the service.”
Delivering solutions that align with the culture and heritage of the local audience ensures that mentoring is respectful of the path participants have journeyed—and how it has shaped them. It also helps mentors understand where they need to go and “why.”
Case in point: When we were looking to establish a presence in Dubai in the UAE, I spent one of my very first days there touring the area, visiting museums and local businesses. This was time well spent. It helped me gain a better understanding of the culture and heritage of the potential clients in that locale.
The business value for mentoring can be applied to any geographical location. However, when working with diverse organizations, it is fundamental that you understand their specific business model and the cultural maxims under which they operate.
For our business, it is integral that we have someone local on hand to deliver the offering and develop relationships. It helps us truly fulfilling on the promise of “why” we do what we do. To that end, we spend a lot of time working with and training representatives on the ground. This ensures that everyone is bringing value to the business relationship.
Our experience delivering mentoring solutions and services on an international stage has taught us many things. First, it’s imperative that you have a vision—that know “why” you are in the business you are in. Next, when expanding globally, you should have a local presence and partners who believe in the vision. Also, take the time to understand and respect the culture and heritage of a geographical location. Finally, be sure to link your cultural values to business values.
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