Newsletter Article
Member Benefit
Published Mon Jun 07 2021
The pandemic was a time of dramatic change, and while it was painful and humbling, some positives did emerge. As we move forward into the “new normal,” it’s important that we as managers take with us the skills we learned during a time of enormous upheaval. First, protecting employees from risk is tantamount to organizational success. Managers who put the company’s needs before the needs of employees drove down engagement and retention among their teams. Leaning into team member’s skills and experiences during the pandemic also created more resilience and innovation. Building inviting, inclusive environments where employees felt a sense of belonging makes a huge difference, and developing individual employees’ skills increases their buy-in to the overall organizational mission. Flexibility and adaptivity were also incredibly important in navigating the new landscapes of the pandemic and will serve managers well in the post-pandemic world. Moving forward will not be easy, and a “return to normalcy” isn’t as simple as flipping a switch. Pandora’s box has been opened, and successful managers will take these new skills and lessons into the future of work.
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