ATD Blog

Excel in Your Career by Becoming EQ Smart

Friday, January 17, 2014

As we begin the New Year many of us are thinking strategically about taking our careers to that next level of excellence. But how do we do that? How do we add additional value to those that hire us?

The answer is simple. By using our social and emotional intelligence (SEI) wisely we can establish a solid career brand/reputation for being able to work exceptionally well with others including our direct reports, our colleagues, our bosses and our external customers.  Here is one of my favorite definitions of these competencies from the Institute for Social & Emotional Intelligence, Denver, CO.

“Social & emotional intelligence (SEI) is the ability to be aware of our own emotions
and those of others, in the moment, and to use that information to manage ourselves
and manage our relationships.” Dr. Laura Belsten

Sounds easy but actually very few people have this gift – and it truly is a gift. We all know these EQ smart people that have a reputation for being easy to work with – they are optimistic, resilient and calm in tough times. They are able to connect, communicate and collaborate with others because they genuinely enjoy and believe that others have multiple strengths to contribute.


What’s the ripple effect at work? Others gravitate toward these “magnetic” individuals – they want to be assigned to the same work teams, seek them out as valued mentors, advisors and colleagues and hope to have them as their supervisor or manager. These EQ smart individuals bring great value to their employers.  So it’s no surprise that they are promoted faster, receive more pay and have access to more opportunities because they simply work exceptionally well with others.


How would you rate your own EQ smarts at this time in your career? Check in with yourself by looking at these four areas of SEI competencies and score yourself on a scale of 1-10 (high).

  1. I am very aware of my emotions throughout my work day (self-awareness).
  2. I am able and willing to manage my own behavior including not allowing myself to be emotionally hijacked by others  (self-management).
  3. I am particularly attuned to what others are feeling (other awareness/empathy).
  4. I am skilled in building positive working relationships (relationship management).

Is your SEI score where you want it to be as you moving into this New Year?  For most of us, we can identify areas of needed improvement, but this is a great start. Be sure to watch for next month’s EQ blog post for tips on “how to” master these SEI competencies for the New Year!

About the Author

Katherine (Kit) Prendergast, PCC, holds coaching certifications in Social & Emotional Intelligence (SEI); Executive Leadership Development (CELDC), and Career Management (CCMC). As the owner of Career Connections of Sierra Nevada, a well-established coaching and training company in Northern Nevada, Kit brings  a wealth of experience, expertise, and energy to inspire you to create the life you truly want at this time. She welcomes coaching and training clients nationally and internationally. 

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