ATD Blog

Learning Video For Learning Professionals (Series, Post 4)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


You probably didn’t expect me to write a heading like that, huh? I’ve written a book that explains why video is really good, so why would I say not to waste money on video?

I guess what I want to say is when you don’t make good use of this technology, it’s a colossal waste of money. It’s a misuse of resources, and it’s a drain on your time.

As cool as video can be for learning, it’s actually uncool for some types of learning. And even when you use it for the right kind of learning, if it’s done poorly, it’s a waste of time. Let me elaborate.



First, video sends primarily visual messages. We have a shot of a man walking with a limp and we know that he has hurt his foot. A young woman looks at her watch and then the camera cuts to her running through a parking lot, so we know she is late.


Video is a good learning method only for content that is easy to convey visually. The pictures have to be relied on to tell the story. When it comes to video, people watch more than they listen.  

So if you can’t easily teach your topic with pictures, don’t waste your time, money, and resources on video. Video is not good for complex or detailed topics, such as accounting or HR compliance processes. It is good for topics that involve psychomotor skills, such as changing a tire.

Second, video needs to be made up of smart pictures. Let’s say we’re teaching someone to change a tire. We cannot just sit the camera on a tripod and leave it there for ten minutes. We need to change the shot constantly to keep our viewers’ attention. That means showing the process of changing the tire from different positions. Doing a close-up and then cutting to a wider shot.


The reason some people don’t watch C-SPAN is because they become bored if the picture doesn’t change regularly. Compare a press conference on C-SPAN to one on CNN or FOX News, which gets a lot of viewers. They are constantly changing the shot.

This is the reason filming an education program can be so ineffective. People get bored watching a lecture after half a minute. This is the least ideal video learning environment.

People often ask me at conferences, “How can I make seminar and lecture videos more interesting?” I tell them they can’t. All they can do is make them less boring. The tricks for doing that are a conversation for another time.

If you happen to join me for the “author’s chat” at the ASTD Bookstore in Dallas, or at my program during the conference, I’ll touch more on these issues.

About the Author

Jonathan Halls is an award-winning author and was named by GFEL in the top 100 Visionaries for Education in 2021. His books include Confessions of a Corporate Trainer (2019), Rapid Media Development for Trainers (2016), and Rapid Video Development for Trainers (2012). He also contributed to ATD's Handbook for Training and Talent Development, 3rd Edition (2022) and has written for publications including TD and Learning Solutions.`
Formerly a learning executive at the BBC, Jonathan has close to 30 years of experience in media and training in 25 countries. Based in Washington, DC, he focuses on coaching and workshops for trainers, consulting and strategic support for learning managers and directors, and running workshops in digital media for learning. He's also an adjunct professor at George Washington University.

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