August 2021
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TD Magazine

4 Tactics for Raising Issues With Remote Colleagues

Friday, July 30, 2021

Don't let physical distance create conversational distance between co-workers. Talk through your concerns using these strategies.

1. Analyze the issue from all sides.


Reflect on what your true concern is before the conversation—is it a sudden change in behavior or performance? Then consider what known and unknown factors could have triggered your concerns.

2. Be straightforward.

If you sense there's a problem, be up front and ask whether there's an issue and how you can help. Doing so nips problems in the bud and provides quieter colleagues a chance to speak their minds.

3. Don't type—talk.

Communicating via video shows you're giving 100 percent attention to your colleague and helps prevent misunderstandings that easily crop up in emails and other channels.


4. Strive for mutual understanding.

Show your co-worker you care about their feelings, and explain your motives when raising an issue remotely. If they feel the conversation will help you both, they'll be more receptive.

About the Author

Emily Gregory is coauthor of Crucial Conversations and a Crucial Learning master trainer who has helped thousands of organizations such as Intel, Yahoo, and the Mayo Clinic achieve new levels of success. Emily holds a Medical Doctorate degree from the University of Utah and a Master of Business Administration from the Marriott School of Business at Brigham Young University.

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