May 2016
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The Buzz

Automation Only Works in Conjunction With Human Connection

Monday, February 19, 2018

There is a pervasive attitude in the business world that the technological way is the best way and that if a process can be automated, it should be. This notion isn’t without reason—technological solutions have increased efficiencies across every industry imaginable, and automation promises higher profits with less margin of error. However, there are some counterintuitive, very human drawbacks to relying too much on technology. Take the automation of banking for example. When one major retail bank introduced online banking, customers who adopted it increased their total transaction volume and visited the bank more, which increased costs and decreased the profitability the tech tool was supposed to boost. Automation has failed in this regard in several ways. For one, technology cannot be emotional. When we're anxious, we become advice seeking. We prefer people to solve our problems. While research has shown we’re perfectly happy using technological solutions to engage with information, when we need creative problem solving, we seek out other humans. This is important for organizations looking to automate to realize. While transactional interaction can improve service, it’s important not to strand customers there. The ability to connect with a human should never be far off.

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