March 2017
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The Buzz

Cloning Top Performers

Monday, March 6, 2017

Most organizations have one particular employee who is simply outstanding. They can handle any task thrown at them and can be trusted in any situation. Most managers wish they could clone this employee, but alas, technology and ethics won’t allow it. Yet, while it's not exactly cloning, it is possible to create a new generation of workers instilled with this top-performing employee’s best values. Start by thanking these new employees for their work. Give them specific recognition and let them know how much their work is valued. Next, find out what they value. What they find important and what makes them happy will help managers drive their engagement and make them feel valued. Then, prepare these individuals for leadership roles. High performers should know their help is needed, and that they are being groomed for these positions. They should be set on a track for ongoing development where they are provided training, help, and support. As part of this training, they should also be taught to listen to the concerns of those around them, and boost their emotional intelligence. Once this is complete, they can lead by example.

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