January 2015
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The Buzz

Communication Key to Engagement

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The benefits of employee engagement are well understood, but many companies are struggling to accomplish true engagement. In 2012, a Gallup study of workplaces in 140 countries found 87 percent of workers felt disconnected from their workplaces, leading to a decline in productivity. Last year, Deloitte studied 2,500 organizations across 90 countries and found that only 17 percent of managers say they have an engaging or compelling employment brand. In the face of these bleak numbers, it’s important for leadership to do everything it can to ensure the organization fosters the highest possible levels of engagement. One of the easiest ways to do this is to invite employee feedback. Ask employees what would make them happy in their jobs. A recent study found 65 percent of adult workers said simply being happy at their jobs would make them more productive. Another means to achieve engagement is encouraging peer evaluations. These evaluations can help managers better understand how employees communicate with one another and how they perceive the performance of their co-workers.

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