November 2020
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November 2020
The Buzz

Considerations Before Hiring Your First Remote Employee

Monday, November 16, 2020

According to Senate testimony by Global Workplace Analytics president Kate Lister, “Over 95 percent of U.S. office workers were forced to become regular telecommuters practically overnight.” And by most measures, experts agree it’s unlikely that Pandora can go back in the bag. Remote work is here to stay, for better or worse, and employers need to get used to the idea that traditional office environments might be a thing of the past. This means that in the near future, companies that used to rely completely on transitional employees need to think about how they will hire their first fully remote workers. First, the expectations need to be made clear. Successful remote work arrangements are built on foundations of mutual trust and clear communication, and all parties need to be on the same page. Make sure everyone understands what they are getting into before agreeing to an arrangement that might end up frustrating one or both parties. Also, realize the skills necessary for a successful remote employee are different than the skills needed by their office-bound counterparts. Hire for self-management and autonomy; communication and organization; resilience and adaptability. These nuances must be considered before hiring remote employees. It’s unlikely that a “we'll figure it out as we go” approach will be successful.

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