March 2020
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The Buzz

Different Generations Value Different Things

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Most modern workplaces are intergenerational, meaning that Baby Boomers are working alongside Millennials and Gen Z. While this type of collaboration does have benefits, it can also create challenges, particularly in different work styles, communication preferences, and values. According to a recent report from Comparably, which surveyed more than 175,000 U.S. employees to identify similarities and differences, these groups were most similar when it came to compensation. Each group said salary was more important than title, but Baby Boomers were less likely to ask for a raise compared to their younger counterparts. Additionally, the report found that young workers are far more transparent with their compensation than older employees and have no problem discussing their salaries with co-workers. Each group also is looking for different things from their bosses. All respondents said they wanted a boss who is supportive and collaborative; however, Baby Boomers were far more reluctant to provide feedback to management to tell them their needs.

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