March 2015
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The Buzz

Employee-Centric Policies Could Boost Retention

Monday, March 2, 2015

Employee turnover is a problem for many companies. However, by providing for the basic emotional needs of their employees, several organizations have been successful in retaining employees while increasing profits. One way they accomplish this is by putting their employees first. Many organizations have a “customer first” strategy, but this may be getting the equation backward. The best way to have satisfied customers is to have happy, motivated employees who have a vested interest in keeping customers satisfied. Loyal, invested employees will have a natural desire to engage in behaviors that increase a loyal customer base. Marriott Hotels, a company that is doing well when it comes to employee retention, has the motto, “Take care of associates and they will take care of customers.” Additionally, when hiring, employee’s attitudes should be considered over their technical skills. While experience is important, a negative employee can be toxic to a workplace, and drive other well-meaning and talented employees away. Employees who have the right attitudes can pick up skills quicker than those hired only for their technical prowess.

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