October 2015
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The Buzz

Employees Who Won’t Do What They Are Told

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

When hiring frontline employees, it might be beneficial to look for individuals who don’t do what they’re told. This isn’t to say hiring managers should seek out insubordinate individuals, but they should seek out new hires that will bring their own energy, enthusiasm, and ideas to the workplace. It’s not that they won’t do what they’re told, but rather that they shouldn’t do only what they are told. So how do hiring managers go about finding the right types of candidates? First, it helps to identify how potential employees will function best. Do they prefer a traditional environment with clearly defined boundaries and a manager who will tell them exactly what to do? Those types of employees are absolutely fine, and can excel in certain roles, but they aren’t necessarily the people management should look for in filling customer-facing positions. Instead, hiring managers should look for people who want to try new things and find out what works and what doesn’t. While there is some risk involved with these individuals, they are the ones who will truly create meaningful relationships with customers.

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