November 2017
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The Buzz

Ensuring the Efficacy of Sexual Harassment Policies

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

As a result of numerous high-profile sexual harassment cases in the media, there has been a renewed interest in the efficacy of harassment training in the workplace. The Senate recently passed a measure mandating harassment training for lawmakers, and Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson has been calling for better training programs in the workplace. But what makes this sort of training effective? According to researchers at the College of Business at the University of Mississippi, one of the most important aspects of any harassment training program is leadership buy-in. A clear anti-harassment policy should include a message from the highest-ranking executives proclaiming that harassment is not acceptable, and will not be tolerated in the workplace. Additionally, a clear, explicit statement of prohibited behaviors should be made available. A well-defined procedure for coming forward, with protections for complainants and witnesses, needs to be established. This can include open-door policies, anonymous telephone lines, or a centralized location to bring complaints. Awareness programs and refresher courses should also be offered at regular intervals to ensure compliance. Prompt, fair, consistent disciplinary action is also necessary to ensure infractions are dealt with properly.





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