July 2015
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The Buzz

Every Employee Should Think Like a CEO

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Sometimes all that struggling employees need is a shift in thinking to get them on the right track. An underperforming salesperson could be a manager in disguise. By helping all employees think like high-level executives, the entire organization can flourish. The first step in creating this paradigm shift is to develop a shared company vision. Rather than detailing the day-to-day tasks of each employee, make it a point to demonstrate to all employees how their jobs affect the overall success of the organization. The next step is to ensure there is a system in place for tracking employee progress, and that the system is used to reward employees, rather than punish them. The point is to show them that success will be celebrated. The organization should also utilize resources wisely; for example, sometimes water-cooler gossip can be turned into useful feedback. Engagement, encouragement, and collaboration should be highly valued in any company culture. By fostering a few basic ideals, every employee can start thinking like a CEO.

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