June 2016
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The Buzz

Getting the Ball Rolling on Employee Development

Monday, June 13, 2016

Introducing formal employee development programs can be the best way to ensure that a workforce is as effective as it can be. According to recent studies, companies with robust employee development programs in place see up to 250 percent higher levels in productivity, reduced levels of turnover, and an increase in engagement levels. However, for organizations that don’t have such programs in place, setting one up can seem overwhelming. First, it’s important to understand that these types of programs are investments. Training and development programs can be perceived by business owners as costly, optional expenses. Instead, management must be convinced of the long-term benefits that investing in a development program will yield. Secondly, it’s important to plan a program, not an event. The program should reflect the organizational goals of the company, and be sustainable long term. Staff members should also be involved in this development process. And keeping the scope broad is key; too often, companies view training simply as a way to address risk management or compliance issues. Instead, by focusing on soft skills and development, employees can be more prepared and engaged. Finally, it’s worth looking into new platforms and methods that can be used to complement training, such as decentralized remote learning. 

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