February 2021
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The Buzz

Increasing Employee Engagement in a Remote World

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Engagement has been an issue in the workplace for years. Disengaged employees are less productive, more prone to absenteeism, and more liable for turnover. It’s clear that engaged workforces are better than disengaged ones, but bolstering engagement levels has always proven difficult, and now, during the pandemic, many managers are simply throwing up their hands. However, saying that it simply can't be done in this climate is a major oversimplification and one that can lead to disastrous results. Employee engagement can be encouraged, even during a pandemic, with thoughtful consideration and well-defined tactics. First, it’s important to be intentional with communication and to make sure the company’s values are clearly communicated as often as possible. Additionally, consider the diversity of your team. Diverse cultures are more empowered—and that’s not just a feel-good notion. There’s hard data to back that up. Ensure the company has measures in place to prioritize employee well-being from a cultural and functional perspective. Managers need to treat employees like humans and provide them with resources when they need help. Finally, address the perception gap. Most companies guess what would be best for their employees instead of asking them and knowing. When you understand what employees really need, you’re in a much better position to give it to them.

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This is a great read, however, I would have loved to see more specific examples of each suggestion.
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Great Read!
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