August 2016
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The Buzz

Invest in Employees for Success

Thursday, August 11, 2016

It’s no secret that well-equipped, engaged employees contribute to the overall success of a business, so why don’t more organizations invest in employee training programs? There could be numerous reasons—lack of time and resources being a major one—but the numbers don’t lie. If an organization wants to succeed, it must invest in its employees. According to recent studies, 74 percent of employees believed they were unable to achieve their full potential at work because of a lack of training and development opportunities. Nearly 33 percent of new employees will leave an organization before the end of their first year for the same reason, and only 32 percent of employees across the board feel engaged at their jobs. Training and development are the answers to these problems. There is a popular thought experiment in training circles. One executive asks the other, “What happens if we train employees and they leave?” The other answers, “What if we don’t and they stay?” That exercise illustrates that companies who think like the first executive, especially in today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, are destined to fall behind. 

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