January 2017
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The Buzz

It’s Time To Quit Criticizing Millennials

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

For a business to thrive, it needs to be attractive to Millennial workers. “Since Millennials will comprise one-third of all U.S. adults by 2020, and will make up an estimated 75 percent of the global workforce by 2025, how to relate and manage these individuals is a very relevant and important topic for the business community and especially HR professionals to consider,” said Sarah Scudder, chief growth officer with The Sourcing Group. Some, particularly Baby Boomers in management positions, think that Millennials are disloyal, shallow, narcissistic, entitled, and easily distracted. They say that younger workers don’t work hard and have a hard time managing their time wisely. However, this revulsion to the next generation of workers will end up causing businesses to ultimately fail. “Employers today face a new kind of accountability and have to earn their employee’s loyalty,” said Elaina Marie, a leadership and employee engagement consultant and author. “With such compelling numbers entering the labor market, it’s time to warm up our collective empathy muscles for Millennials, strive to understand them and learn how to focus their energies and leverage their strengths.”

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