April 2020
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The Buzz

Leadership in Times of Crisis

Monday, March 23, 2020

These are trying times. Uncertainty abounds and employees are looking to their managers and executive suite for strong, decisive leadership. In times of crisis, there are two responses: fear and helplessness or self-actualization and engagement. If leaders can demonstrate a clear path forward, they can quiet anxiety and inspire courage. To do so, leaders need to exhibit four important qualities during a crisis: trust, compassion, stability, and hope. During this period, Gallup suggests taking an audit of your crisis leadership. Start by asking if you have a clear plan of action. Only 39 percent of U.S. employees polled strongly agreed their employer had communicated a clear plan of action during the outbreak. Ask if your employees feel well prepared to do their jobs. Do your employees know what’s expected of them? Do they have the tools to work in unconventional settings and situations? Ask how well you’re keeping employees informed about what’s going on. How often and how are you communicating with them? And finally, ask if your employees know you care about their well-being. Employees aren’t robots, and especially during times of crisis, they need to be assured they will have access to the resources they need to stay safe and healthy.

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