October 2020
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The Buzz

Managers Need Coaching Too

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The traditional path to management was to simply stay at an organization long enough to be promoted. However, effective managers need to cultivate specific skills to lead effectively—skills that don't necessarily come with experience alone. According to a recent report from Gallup, many managers feel unprepared for their roles and are frustrated by the disconnect between their abilities and their responsibilities. The often-overlooked solution is that managers also need coaching. They need someone to advocate for their development and directly address the challenges they identify. To help support managers, senior leadership should build an internal network of strengths coaches who focus on the skills managers need to successfully lead. Just like rank-and-file employees, managers also have strengths and weaknesses that need to be leveraged and addressed. Ignoring this fact will lead to burned-out, ineffectual management structures, which in turn will lead to frustrated employees who are looking for the exit.

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