February 2021
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The Buzz

Now Is the Time to Reassess

Monday, February 15, 2021

Like it or not, the global health crisis has fundamentally changed the way we are working and how we will work in the future. For one, remote work is here to stay, and smart leaders are considering the implications of that fact, particularly as it relates to organizational culture. But to be successful, considerations must be made in the near term to ensure success in the long term. First, now is a great moment to re-establish your company’s vision. Thinking about where you want to end up will help you decide what to do in the here and now. “Thinking and planning from the future back allows you to fully articulate what you hope to achieve with your new work system and then design its major components from a ‘clean sheet,’” Mark Johnson and Josh Suskewicz, authors of Lead From the Future explain, unencumbered by how things work today or how they worked in the past. Once your goals are clear, use them as a launching pad to initiate change. Will the cultural norms you established pre-pandemic help you achieve your goals in the post-pandemic future? If not, change them. This may require a reassessment of your tools as well. The systems and equipment you had in place may no longer serve you well in a post-pandemic landscape, particularly if the health crisis caused dramatic shifts in where your employees work. Communication tools and even the computers employees use are all ripe for re-evaluation right now.

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