January 2017
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The Buzz

Parental Discrimination Cases on the Rise

Thursday, January 12, 2017

An increasing number of parents are suing their employers for discrimination against working caregivers, and the workplace is changing as a result. Over the past 10 years, the number of caregiver discrimination lawsuits has tripled compared with the decade before it. Researchers from the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California say that between 2006 and 2015, more than 3,000 such cases have been decided in state and federal courts. In one particular class-action case, a high-level female employee of a software development company said she was passed over for promotions in favor of less-qualified male employees despite her performance and seniority. Another at the same company said she began receiving negative evaluations after scaling her work back to 30 hours a week to take care of her three school-aged children, despite her productivity remaining the same. The company agreed to pay out $23.5 million. “Employers haven’t realized that discrimination against motherhood or fatherhood can be gender discrimination,” says Cynthia Calvert, a senior adviser at the WorkLife Center.

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