July 2021
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The Buzz

Remote Workers Are Happier and More Productive

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Numerous studies have been or are being conducted on the massive “work-from-home experiment” foisted on the global economy during the pandemic. In a recent study from Goldman Sachs, the company concluded that productivity in the US economy increased 3 percent per hour since the start of the pandemic, mostly in industries that adopted remote work policies and decreased travel. That’s double the 1.4 percent growth rate of the period before the pandemic. These increases were mostly seen in sectors like IT, professional services, and product development that were most able to use digital workspaces for their employees. Additionally, studies have found that remote workers are happier and more satisfied overall, and those traditionally marginalized in the workplace—people of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ community—are experiencing greater feelings of freedom and security while working from home. The bottom line: if your reasoning for demanding workers to come back to traditional office spaces is an argument of productivity, the numbers simply don’t add up.

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