February 2015
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The Buzz

Simplifying Human Capital Management

Monday, January 26, 2015

An employer’s greatest investment is its employees, but as an organization grows, managing human capital becomes more complicated. A recent survey conducted by Lumesse polled 1,293 human resource industry leaders and found that 52 percent of respondents agreed that their role “required them to manage increased levels of complexity.” However, with some planning and proactive measures, human capital management can become a little less difficult. One step is to create employee profiles. Regardless of the platform, these profiles provide digital snapshots of each employee—their position, their skills, even their interests—and allow managers to know what resources they have at their disposal, while encouraging sociability and camaraderie among team members. Making the onboarding process more efficient can also help. Automating as much of this process as possible can save time and resources in getting a new hire up to speed. And while managers are updating the onboarding process, they should also think about revamping performance reviews. Keeping these meetings as simple as possible while facilitating two-way dialogue and feedback from workers can give managers a perspective on performance they might not otherwise receive.

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