April 2015
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The Buzz

The Importance of 360 Reviews

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

As far as employee evaluations go, 360 feedback—where input comes from all directions, including team members, colleagues, managers, and shareholders—is becoming an increasingly popular tool, not just for determining who should be promoted within an organization, but for keeping employees interested in their own development. However, if it is poorly executed, it can end up as little more than a “check in the box” exercise. For the appraisal to be effective, the right culture must first be in place. Those at the top of the organization must take an active role in their employees’ day-to-day activities and their development. Clear, concise communication is also a vital factor. Everyone involved in the process needs to understand objectives and how the feedback that is gathered will be used. And conducting the 360 review is just a starting point; the results then must be reviewed and interpreted. Although it may seem daunting at first, the return on investment for a 360 review process can help engage employees, boost production, and reduce turnover.

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