September 2015
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The Buzz

The Rise of the Boomerang Employee

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Boomerang employees, or those who leave a company only to rejoin its workforce at a later date, are becoming more prevalent in today’s workplace, making it more difficult for job seekers to distinguish themselves from the crowd. Currently, America has a 5.3 percent unemployment rate, and the current duration of time an employee spends at a company is decreasing. Employees now only spend an average of 4.6 years on the job, and Millennials are leaving closer to every two years. New technology is also playing a role in the rise of the boomerang employee. Social media sites such as LinkedIn have made it easier for HR professionals to connect with talent. And that talent is becoming more fluid in their view of workplace loyalty. However, there are benefits to hiring boomerang employees. According to a recent study, about a third of HR professionals thought a boomerang employee’s familiarity with organizational culture was one of the major benefits of rehiring, and that boomerang employees require less training than a typical candidate. 

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