February 2016
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The Buzz

Tips for Retaining Top Talent

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Attracting and identifying the right person for a particular job is often a daunting task, but the challenge doesn’t end there. Retaining talented individuals is just as important as onboarding them in the first place. Often, management believes retention comes down to the size of an employee’s paycheck, but there are numerous other factors that play into an employee’s decision to stay or go. Training, for one, is critically important in retaining top talent. The benefits of a well-structured training program are twofold. First, it will help expand an employee’s skills and knowledge base; second, it will help engender a sense of purpose for the employee and make him feel valued by the organization. Motivation is also important when it comes to retention. Incentives and rewards, regardless of how small, can go a long way in making employees feel as if they belong. Finally, regular feedback and appraisal with the intention of personal development will help employees believe there is a future for them within the organization, and encourage them to stay on board for the long term.

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